Friday, 1 November 2013

Learnflow and the Digitally Normal School

I think Langwitches sums up the current situation and challenge quite nicely in the blogpost linked below.

I was talking to a colleague yesterday about the optimal suite of tools needed to create a digitally normal school. The conversation turned to how a 'digital inspector' would know he or she was actually in a digitally normal school. What would such an inspector look for?

We decided that the judgment would come down to an assessment of the authentic learnflow:

In every class and every home and everywhere else the students learn, are all the teachers, students and parents empowered and engaged in the necessary, natural and sub-conscious business of learnflow?

I suspect and hope that someone, somewhere has begun writing the inspection framework for this...

The GEMS Education Digital Standards are being launched in all the network's schools this year and I think they represent a good start down this road.

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